Why should students study and seek certification in ESB?
Whether it is a beauty salon in a large metropolitan city, a taco shop in a booming resort location, or a car repair garage in the suburbs, an incredible number of small businesses can be found almost everywhere. In fact, in a recent report from Business.com, "every minute a new business is started in the U.S. and according to some, more than 50% of all workers will be self-employed by 2020 ." (The State of Small Business in America , 2015, Business.com, emphasis added.)
ESB certification engages and prepares students who will pursue additional post-secondary training or those who elect to enter the small business sector immediately upon high school graduation. The entrepreneurial concepts validated by this certification ensure that these students are college and career ready.
We are working to have our program is approved by the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) for the WIOA Eligible Training Provider List.
How Our Program Works
We utilize the Certiport pathway to certification:
Learn. Practice. Certify.
Students will participate in hands-on learning lessons, gaining knowledge of business concepts while creating business plans, web sites, and business proposal PowerPoint presentations.
Learning Domains
Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future, 12th Edition
By Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)
Published by Pearson
Copyright © 2016
Published Date: Jan 21, 2016
GMetrix Practice Tests
Performance based assessment and test preparation tools to help individuals achieve IT certification credentials. Certiport has partnered with GMetrix to deliver industry-leading practice tests. These tests, with included reporting and insight features, help ensure students are adequately prepared for the certification exam.
Accurately replicate a "live application" online testing environment
Enhance learning through self-paced practice questions
Build familiarity with the certification testing environment
Increase confidence towards certification exams
Better prepare students to pass certification exams
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Certification
The ESB certification is built to test and validate foundation-level concepts and knowledge in entrepreneurship and small business management. These core concepts include entrepreneurship; recognizing and evaluating opportunities; planning for, starting, and operating a business; marketing and sales; and financial management.